Connect 100+ tools to your workspace securely
Build Al copilots that have full context on your business
Discover 50+ tools to optimize your workflows.
Create multi-step Al workflows to run automations
Read about AI automations for teams
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Build AI copilots that have full context on your business
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Discover the 100+ tools connected to Cassidy
Learn more about Cassidy's enterprise-grade security
Discover 50+ tools to optimize your workflows
Generate sales meeting prep and automatically deliver comprehensive daily summaries so reps enter every call fully informed and confident.
Cassidy connects to your existing bug reporting tools to find missing information, then format bug reports exactly how your engineering team prefers them.
Take any public company's 10-K to write targeted messaging towards key decision makers.
Answer employee questions instantly using information from the knowledge base, directly in Slack.
Connect any of your assistants or workflows to Microsoft Teams channels within minutes.
Use Cassidy’s chrome extension in combination with an AI customer service assistant to generate responses right away, without ever having to leave your tab.